
Marcus Aurelius’ Nighttime Routine: How to Reflect Like a Stoic Before Bed

Published on: October 12, 2024

Marcus Aurelius’ Nighttime Routine: How to Reflect Like a Stoic Before Bed

As we wind down after a long day, many of us struggle to quiet our minds, let go of stress, or reflect on how we’ve lived. But for Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher, the end of the day was an opportunity for deep reflection, personal growth, and preparing for tomorrow. Drawing from his famous Meditations, we can gain insight into how he approached nighttime reflection and apply those lessons to our own lives.

Here’s how you can create a reflective nighttime routine inspired by the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius.

1. Setting the Stage for Reflection

“When you arise in the morning think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

While this quote refers to the morning, the essence of gratitude applies just as much to the end of the day. Marcus Aurelius recognized that life itself is a gift, and reflecting on that gift at night can bring peace and perspective before sleep.


Before going to bed, take a moment to reflect on the privilege of living another day. Acknowledge the small joys, the challenges you overcame, and the opportunities you had to learn and grow. Gratitude isn't just about the big things—focus on the little moments that brought you peace or fulfillment.


Keep a journal by your bedside and jot down three things you’re grateful for from the day. This simple habit will help you cultivate a mindset of gratitude, which can lead to better rest and a more peaceful outlook.

2. Reviewing the Day’s Actions

“At every hour, give your full concentration as if it were the last thing you were doing in life.”

Marcus Aurelius emphasized living mindfully, fully present in every task, whether great or small. The end of the day offers the perfect opportunity to look back and assess how well we lived this principle.


As part of your nighttime routine, ask yourself: Did I live with full attention and purpose today? Did I approach each task with focus, or was I distracted? Reflecting on how mindful you were during the day can help you become more present in future moments.


In your journal, write about one moment during the day when you were completely focused and one moment when you weren’t. Reflect on why that might have happened and how you can be more mindful tomorrow.

3. Cultivating Calm and Letting Go of Stress

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

This quote teaches us that stress and worry are often self-inflicted. External events are neutral; it's our thoughts about them that cause distress. Nighttime is a great opportunity to let go of these stressors and clear your mind.


Before bed, identify the things that caused you stress during the day. Ask yourself: Was the stress really about the event itself, or was it about how I perceived it? Remind yourself that you have the power to change your perspective, and let go of the things that are outside your control.


Practice deep breathing or a short meditation before bed to physically and mentally release any lingering tension. Visualize each stressor dissolving, leaving you with a clear, peaceful mind.

4. Reflecting on Mortality and Humility

“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.”

This powerful quote is a reminder of our mortality, a central theme in Stoic philosophy. For Marcus Aurelius, the knowledge that life is finite helped him live with urgency, purpose, and humility. Reflecting on this idea can help us align our actions with our core values.


At the end of the day, ask yourself: If today were my last, would I be content with how I lived? Did I act with kindness, courage, and fairness? This reflection is not meant to inspire fear but to foster a sense of purpose and urgency, ensuring that each day is lived with intention.


Write down one thing you’re proud of from today and one thing you would change if you could relive it. Use this reflection to guide your actions tomorrow, ensuring that you continue to grow and live in alignment with your values.

5. Preparing for Tomorrow with a Clear Mind

“The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”

Marcus Aurelius believed that our thoughts shape who we are. A clear, calm mind leads to clear, virtuous actions. As the day ends, it’s important to clear your mind of negative or chaotic thoughts and prepare for tomorrow with a sense of clarity and intention.


Before bed, take a few moments to review your thoughts. Are they clouded with negativity, anxiety, or frustration? If so, remind yourself that your thoughts will shape your experience tomorrow. By letting go of negative emotions, you can wake up with a fresh perspective and a calm mindset.


Visualize what tomorrow will look like. Focus on how you want to approach the day with Stoic virtues like patience, wisdom, and courage. This mental practice sets a positive tone for the next day, helping you wake up with clarity and focus.


Marcus Aurelius’ nighttime routine wasn’t filled with rituals or luxuries but with moments of deep reflection and personal accountability. His teachings remind us that each day is a gift, and it’s up to us to live it fully, mindfully, and in alignment with our values.

As you settle into your evening, take a few moments to reflect on the day’s events. Focus on gratitude, mindfulness, letting go of stress, reflecting on mortality, and preparing for tomorrow with clarity. By incorporating these Stoic principles into your nighttime routine, you’ll find greater peace, purpose, and resilience in your daily life.

As Marcus Aurelius reminds us: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” With reflection and intentionality, even the challenges of today can become the lessons that lead to a better tomorrow.

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