
Dreams and Reality: Stoic Lessons from Marcus Aurelius

Published on: October 20, 2024

Dreams and Reality: Stoic Lessons from Marcus Aurelius

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Dreams, both the ones we have at night and the aspirations we hold during the day, shape our inner world. Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor, believed that our thoughts have the power to mold our reality. In this blog, we’ll explore how Stoic philosophy can guide us in understanding our dreams and aspirations, helping us stay grounded in reality while still pursuing our goals. Let’s dive into the Stoic view of dreams, aspirations, and how we can harness them for personal growth.

Understanding the Quote

In the quote "The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts," Marcus Aurelius emphasizes that our thoughts define who we are. Our internal dialogue, desires, and dreams shape how we perceive the world and how we act in it. The Stoic belief is that our inner state influences our external experience—if we nurture positive, productive thoughts, we will create a meaningful, virtuous life. But if we allow ourselves to be consumed by fantasies or unhelpful desires, we lose touch with the present and our ability to act.

This idea is central to how we should view dreams and aspirations. Dreams, whether literal or figurative, can serve as powerful reflections of our thoughts. However, the Stoics warn against letting dreams cloud our judgment or lead us away from reality. It’s not that Stoics discourage having dreams or aspirations—they instead emphasize aligning them with reason, virtue, and what we can control.

The Stoic View on Dreams and Desires

Dreams vs. Reality

In Stoicism, there is a clear distinction between dreams (imagination) and reality (what we can control). While dreams can serve as sources of inspiration, they should never detach us from the reality of the present moment. A Stoic does not indulge in daydreams or idealized versions of the future at the expense of today. Instead, they recognize that what truly matters is how we act in the here and now.

For example, we may dream of achieving wealth, fame, or success. These dreams can motivate us, but they can also cause frustration or dissatisfaction when we feel far from them. The Stoic approach is to pursue what is within our control—our efforts, virtues, and mindset—rather than obsess over outcomes that depend on external factors.

Aspirational Goals

Stoics are not against setting goals or having aspirations. In fact, they encourage it—but with an important caveat. Our dreams and goals should align with virtue and reason, rather than being dictated by external desires or status. Stoicism teaches us to aspire to be the best version of ourselves, to pursue knowledge, wisdom, and self-discipline, and to contribute meaningfully to the world around us. The ultimate Stoic goal is not material success, but a life of virtue and purpose.

When setting aspirational goals, Stoics emphasize focusing on the process and not getting attached to the outcome. We can aim for excellence, but we must remember that the results may not always be in our control. The dream serves as a guide, but the path forward is where the Stoic finds fulfillment.

Harnessing Dreams for Personal Growth

Using Dreams as Reflection

Our dreams, both the ones we experience at night and our aspirations, are windows into our values and thoughts. In a Stoic sense, they can serve as tools for reflection. When we dream about success, wealth, or even overcoming obstacles, we should ask ourselves why these dreams are important. What do they reveal about what we value?

For example, if you constantly dream of achieving great success, it’s worth examining what success means to you. Is it driven by external validation, or is it a deeper desire for self-improvement and mastery? By reflecting on our dreams through a Stoic lens, we can identify whether our aspirations are aligned with the things we can control and whether they contribute to living a virtuous life.

Setting Realistic, Stoic Goals

Dreams can be a powerful motivator for goal setting, but Stoicism teaches us to approach them with caution. We must set realistic, attainable goals that are aligned with our values and focused on the process. While it’s natural to aspire to great things, Stoics remind us that external achievements are beyond our control. What we can control is the effort we put into our actions and the integrity with which we pursue our goals.

Instead of dreaming about an ideal future, Stoics encourage setting goals based on our present reality and breaking them down into actionable steps. This way, the dream doesn’t become a distant fantasy but something grounded in practical effort.

Practical Stoic Techniques to Balance Dreams and Reality

Mindfulness and Reflection

Marcus Aurelius was known for his practice of journaling, where he reflected on his thoughts, actions, and behaviors. This practice is an excellent way to keep dreams in check and stay grounded. By writing down your thoughts and reflecting on your aspirations, you can assess whether they align with Stoic values and how they might be influencing your actions.

Tip: Try journaling about your dreams and goals. Ask yourself:

  • What do these dreams reveal about my values?
  • Are these aspirations aligned with what I can control?
  • How can I break this dream into actionable steps today?

Focus on the Present

Stoicism teaches us the importance of living in the present moment. While dreams often pull us toward the future, a Stoic recognizes that the present is all we truly have. We can’t control the future, but we can control our actions right now. When we spend too much time fantasizing about a future goal, we lose sight of the opportunities for growth in the present.

Tip: Practice mindfulness to bring yourself back to the present when you find yourself daydreaming. Focus on what you can do right now to move toward your goals, rather than getting lost in thoughts about the future.

Embrace the Process

Stoics believe that the process is more important than the outcome. Whether you achieve your dream or not is less important than the effort and integrity you bring to the pursuit. A Stoic doesn’t attach their happiness to the realization of a dream but finds fulfillment in the journey itself.

Tip: Break down your dreams into smaller tasks and focus on completing them with intention and care. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks, understanding that the process is where growth happens.

Dreams, Adversity, and Growth

Stoic Resilience

Dreams often come with adversity. Whether it’s external challenges or internal doubts, obstacles are inevitable on the path to achieving aspirations. Stoicism teaches us to see these obstacles not as setbacks but as essential parts of the journey. As Marcus Aurelius said, “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

When we encounter adversity in pursuing our dreams, a Stoic mindset helps us reframe it as an opportunity for growth. The challenge itself becomes part of the process that shapes us into better, more resilient individuals.

Growth Through Adversity

For a Stoic, growth doesn’t come from easy wins but from navigating difficulties with grace and perseverance. When your dream is challenged by reality—when things don’t go as planned, or when progress is slow—this is where true growth happens. Instead of giving up, Stoics ask: what can I learn from this? How can I improve?

Tip: When you encounter setbacks on the path to your dreams, reflect on how the obstacle can help you grow. See each challenge as a stepping stone toward personal improvement.


Marcus Aurelius’ teachings remind us that our thoughts shape our reality, and this applies to our dreams and aspirations as well. By approaching our dreams with a Stoic mindset, we can turn them into tools for growth, focus on the present, and let go of the outcomes we cannot control. Dreams are valuable when they inspire action, but they should not disconnect us from reality.

As you continue to pursue your dreams, remember that it’s the process—the small, everyday actions—that will ultimately lead to fulfillment. Reflect on your aspirations, ensure they align with Stoic values, and embrace both the challenges and victories along the way.

Reflection Exercise:

Take some time to reflect on a current dream or goal you have. How does it align with Stoic principles? How can you break it down into actionable steps that you can focus on today? Write it down, and approach your dreams with both intention and resilience.

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